The last day of school for the 2023-2024 school year is today, May 22nd for grades K-12. #loveservecare
8 months ago, South Conway County School District
May 22nd Calendar of Events: 1. Last Day of School for the 23-24 School Year! “Iron rusts from disuse; water loses its purity from stagnation... even so does inaction sap the vigor of the mind.” - Leonardo da Vinci
8 months ago, South Conway County School District
Some of our students 🧑‍🌾 🧑🏾‍🌾 got to harvest and prepare some lettuce today and enjoy a fresh salad from our school garden. We love having food that the students planted and have been awaiting the day to enjoy the fruits of our labor! So thankful for UAEX, Shannon Autrey and Alicia Hugen for connecting with us and creating this experience for our students.#loveservecare
8 months ago, Morrilton Junior High School
May 21st Calendar of Events: 1. Kindergarten Graduation @ Devil Dog Arena - 7:00 p.m. “Who sows virtue reaps honor.” - Leonardo da Vinci
8 months ago, South Conway County School District
May 20th Calendar of Events: 1. No Events Scheduled “Learning never exhausts the mind.” - Leonardo da Vinci
9 months ago, South Conway County School District
Due to the gym being under construction, MJHS will not be hosting a 4th 9 weeks awards assembly. We will pass out awards during lunches Monday. Awards and report cards not picked up next week will be available in the office during the summer.
9 months ago, Morrilton Junior High School
May 17th Calendar of Events: 1. AP Physics Exam 2. Graduation Practice and School Walkthroughs “Show me someone who has done something worthwhile, and I'll show you someone who has overcome adversity.” - Lou Holtz
9 months ago, South Conway County School District
May 16th Calendar of Events: 1. AP Biology Exam “No matter what happens on the field, getting an education makes you a winner.” - Lou Holtz
9 months ago, South Conway County School District
Science Club visited AFESC today to see the garden area. The students learned all about varieties of beds, soil, responsibilities, & greenhouse. Thank Corey Adaire for extending our knowledge. We cannot wait to apply it to our outside garden 👨‍🌾. #loveservecare #gogreen
9 months ago, Morrilton Junior High School
Future Devil Pups 🐾 visited the MJHS campus yesterday. We cannot wait to see what amazing achievements 🏆 are ahead of us in 2024-2025! #loveservecare #becomeadevilpup
9 months ago, Morrilton Junior High School
Petit Jean Garden Club State Winners! 🏆Lily won the poetry division & Alexandria the art division. 🎊 #loveservecare #congratsgirls
9 months ago, Morrilton Junior High School
May 15th Calendar of Events: 1. AP World History & Computer Science Principles Exam “See, winners embrace hard work.” - Lou Holtz
9 months ago, South Conway County School District
Yearbook signing tomorrow. Students will be allowed to attend Pup House to purchase candy, cokes, pickles, chips, and glow in dark items.
9 months ago, Morrilton Junior High School
There will be a 📸😁photographer to take pictures of your child at the dance on Friday night. The form is attached. There are also forms in the front office and the library. The money & order form needs to be brought to the dance and given to the photographers!! 💃🏾
9 months ago, Morrilton Junior High School
pic form
May 14th Calendar of Events 1. AP Language Exam “If you burn your neighbor's house down, it doesn't make your house look any better.” - Lou Holtz
9 months ago, South Conway County School District
6th graders will be visiting MJHS 🐾 campus tomorrow. #loveservecare
9 months ago, Morrilton Junior High School
May 13th Calendar of Events: 1. AP Calculus AB Exam “When people need love and understanding and support the most is when they deserve it the least.” - Lou Holtz
9 months ago, South Conway County School District
Happy Mother's Day! #loveservecare
9 months ago, South Conway County School District
8th grade will tour MHS tomorrow.
9 months ago, Morrilton Junior High School
Thank you Nurse Sandy👩‍⚕️! We appreciate you taking care of our scholars. #loveservecare
9 months ago, Morrilton Junior High School