
Ms. Brown and Mrs. Moore planned and hosted a Veterans Day program on November 11th involving students, staff, and veterans. Thank you to everyone involved for working hard to make this event a huge success. We want to give special thanks to those who have served.
- Veterans Day Program

Students in 7th grade are excited to be in Band this year! They are developing skills needed in life, such as focus, discipline, and perseverance.
- Beginning Band

By changing how our current youth think about the job opportunities provided by skilled professions, we can inspire them & lead them in a direction that will change the economic landscape of our state.
- Skilled Trades

MJHS Science Club members prepare soil for the school gardens. With the expertise of our own Conway County UAEX office, we are providing students an opportunity to experience gardening first-hand.
- Science Club Gardens

Girls of Promise Conference were girls meet and learn from women with amazing jobs in STEAM.
- Girls of Promise